Application Process
Applications closed on 21 February 2024. Applications will be evaluated by the GRISO summer school organizers, and applicants will be admitted with the aim of having a diverse and interdisciplinary group of students. We will notify everyone of their acceptance status during the first week in April (we had previously hoped to have finished reviewing applications in mid March, but it has taken longer than anticipated).
Please contact grisogreenland@gmail.com with any questions.
Target Participants
The 2024 summer school is anticipated to accommodate 12 students. The primary audience for the summer school is advanced PhD students and early postdocs. We encourage applications from Greenland-based students and underrepresented minority groups. Summer school participants will have the opportunity to participate in boat and field trips and hiking, as well as other outdoor activities. However arrangements will be available for people with limited mobility. No previous experience is required. Accommodation will likely be at the Inuk Hostel, with sharing of single-gender 2-bed rooms.
Key Topics and Activities
The GRISO Summer School will include a variety of activities.
Science areas covered will touch on:
- Glaciology at Greenland ice sheet margins
- Fjord and ocean circulation and hydrography
- Trends in Greenland marine ecosystems
- Community response and opportunities from coastal change
- Modeling ice, fjord, and ocean processes
- Recent ice sheet retreat and drivers of change
- Human adaptation and response to climate change
- Links across climate, human behavior, and well-being
Professional and personal development activities include:
- Focused development activities with Knowinnovation (covering ~5 course days)
- Creative problem solving and design thinking
- Collaborating across multi-disciplinary and diverse groups
- Leadership skills for multi-disciplinary groups
Outings and additional activities are likely to include:
- Field trip (potentially by boat)
- Hands-on training with field instrumentation
- Engagement with local experts, researchers, and institutions
- Hiking opportunities
All of the local expenses will be covered by the GRISO project, including accommodation, food, and field work. Participants are expected to arrange and pay for their own travel to and from Nuuk.
A limited number of travel stipends are available. Please specify in the application if your participation is dependent on receiving travel support.
Confirmed Lecturers
- David Sutherland (University of Oregon)
- Kirstin Schulz (University of Texas at Austin)
- Lauren Andrews (NASA)
- Kelton Minor (Columbia)
- Knowinnovation Team
Additional lecturers are to be confirmed and will include guests from the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, the University of Greenland, and other Greenlandic institutions.