Welcome to GRISO
Rapid and increasing mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet accounts for a quarter of global sea level rise and, through increased freshwater and nutrient discharge, can impact ocean circulation (including the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation) and marine ecosystems. A significant fraction of the ice loss, in turn, is linked to changes in ocean-driven melting at the ice sheet marine margins. Thus, understanding the interaction of glaciers, ocean, atmosphere, and marine ecosystems at Greenland’s marine margins is key to interpreting ongoing changes, making future projections and designing adaptive strategies for local and global communities. The complexity of the processes involved, the inherently multidisciplinary nature of the problem and the challenges of obtaining measurements from this region, make the interaction of ice, ocean, atmosphere, marine ecosystems and communities at Greenland's margins a new research frontier that requires collaboration across disciplines and national boundaries, a suite of diverse approaches and the development of novel technologies.
Upcoming GRISO-related activities
- GRISO Summer school linking science and society at Greenland’s coastal margins in September, 2025.
Mission Statement
GRISO is an international, multidisciplinary network of scientists interested in advancing collective understanding of problems related to Greenland ice sheet change, and its interaction with the ocean, the atmosphere, the marine ecosystems and local communities. It builds on activities initially led by the U.S. CLIVAR Working Group on Ice Sheet Ocean Interactions, and continued through a series of activities primarily funded by the National Science Foundation including a recent ACCELNet Grant (2020-2024). Specific objectives of this group are:
- to facilitate the interaction of groups and disciplines working on different aspects of this problem
- to lead to sharing of, and easy access to resources, including data, infrastructure and personnel
- to lead efforts to inform scientists, policymakers and the public on the problem,
- to work towards implementing the recommendations identified in a number of community workshops and described in the reports.
Code of Conduct
GRISO seeks to provide a safe, engaging, and constructive working space for scientists and community members. Please read our Code of Conduct.